Private Limited Company

Private limited company means a company registered under companies Act 2013 and having at least 2 person as Director and 2 person as shareholder. Director of Company can only be shareholder of the company. Now its not required to have minimum capital of Rs. 1,00,000.00. Means Private company can be registered with capital lesser than Rs. 1,00,000.00.

Company registered under Company Act 2013 or under Companies Act 1956 have their own existence as separate legal entity. Director of the company can be removed from company. Director can resign from the company. Name of the Private company ended with word Private Limited. Private limited company can have maximum 200 person as shareholder. Shareholder can be natural person or non natural person ie Company.

For company registration all director must have their DIN and if not holding DIN then first of all obtain DIN from MCA. DIN is Director Identification number issued by Ministry of Corporate Affair and valid for life time.

Documents Required for Pvt Company Registration

1. ID Proof of director
2. Address proof of director
3. Photo of director
4. Qualification of director
5. Valid contact no.
6. Valid mail ID
7. Residential Address Proof
8. Declaration by director
9. Name of the company
10. Object/ Main Business of the company
11. Address Proof of Company

Benefit of Pvt Company Registration

1. Only 2 person Required as Director
2. Both Director can also be Share Holder
3. No minimum capital requirement
4. Less Registration Cost
5. Less Compliances cost
6. Separate Legal Entity
7. Company can also own property
8. Company can be shareholder in other company
9. Easy to change the registered office
10. Share capital of the company can be equity or preference share

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